Walmart: Stop Selling and Advertising Assault Weapons in Your Stores!

Walmart: Stop Selling and Advertising Assault Weapons in Your Stores!

December 15, 2012
Petition Closed
This petition had 118,006 supporters

Why this petition matters

Started by Lauren Buglino

In the wake of the horrific tragedy in Newtown CT, where innocent lives were lost, we wonder why? We will never have the answers, because there are no answers.

This leads me to an issue that I am most passionate about, a ban on assault weapons.I am a teacher of elementary school, grade 4, so after this tragedy this issue really resonates within me. Every September I take on a new group of students, and it is my duty to educate them, nurture them, help them grow, and of course keep them safe from harm.

I was most disturbed on Black Friday when I received my newspaper filled with colorful circulars advertising all the deals and sales and doorbuster savings. When I got to the Wal Mart circular they had many deals and sales, one item that was a "Black Friday Special" was an assault weapon. It was priced at $897.00. This is disturbing to say the least. Wal Mart is making it easy and appealing to purchase an assault weapon. Assault weapons cause mass murder and should be left for law enforcement and military. Civilians do not need to have any assault weapons in their homes.

Advertising is something that creates wants and needs. To create a want for such a weapon only promotes violence. Please help me and sign this petition to tell Wal Mart to STOP advertising assault weapons in their circulars. We are telling them to stop making such weapons desirable by placing them on sale. We do not need semi automatic weapons in our society, nor do we need them in our homes and around our children. We want to live in a society that does not promote violence through advertising. Wal Mart needs to stop this advertising, and stop selling these weapons completely! Sign this petition and let's make a difference!


Petition Closed

This petition had 118,006 supporters

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