July 10, 2014
Tesla Day Competition – Programming in Scratch
Make an Animated Card
TechShop Pittsburgh has donated a MAKE Learn to solder kit ($65 value) to be sent to the winner!
Log into Scratch and create a celebratory card that celebrates the genius who lit the world before July 10. Submit the URL link to your creation to [email protected] and we will add it to the Grow a Gen studio for all to admire! Animations should be uniquely made for this competition, and not a remix of already existing Scratch Animations about Tesla.
What is Nikola Tesla Day?
The Tesla Memorial Society of New York worked with the United Nations to create “Nikola Tesla Day” to signify a day of science, progress and brotherhood among all nations and religions. Tesla had 700 patents in the US and Europe. Which one will you highlight in your animation? Caution: one of the cleverest and witty write ups on Tesla’s life can be found on the Oatmeal website, but I would ask in the spirit of coopertition (thank you Dean Kamen for this new word!), let us celebrate Tesla without demeaning Edison, who was also a scientist worthy of recognition and honor.
Need to Learn Scratch?
Not sure how to program in Scratch? Why not sign up for the Scratch Animator Black Belt Series and learn enough to enter the Challenge! Looking to expand your knowledge of Animation and Game Design? A Black Belt in Scratch Animation provides you with Kick “But” Coding skills that will awe and amaze your friends and family. No purchase is necessary to enter the challenge.