Exciting things are happening at Grow a Generation! We are currently looking for a new collaborative project leader to work part-time online helping students pursue meaningful projects with mentors around the globe. What are the qualities we’re looking for? An entrepreneurial spirit. Curiosity. The ability to learn new technology quickly. Courage (and a bit of …
Tag: Project Manager
Permanent link to this article: https://growageneration.com/2020/08/09/seeking-new-hires-and-new-fellows/
Feb 15
Welcome Leah Kennelly!
Welcome Leah Kennelly, Grow a Generation’s new project manager. Leah Kennelly joins Grow a Generation with a Master of Science in Chemical Engineering from Purdue and nearly ten years of experience as a senior engineer with Proctor and Gamble. Most recently, Leah has been involved in schools, scouts, and faith communities taking up the topics …
Permanent link to this article: https://growageneration.com/2015/02/15/welcome-leah-kennelly/