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Gift Cards and Returns: Ideas for Grow a Generation Parents

Empty boxes and broken electronics that kids can take apart head my list of fun for the holiday break.  But if you have gift cards and returns, I suggest some of the following great toys that stimulate creativity and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) innovation. 

The Zoob Challenge Kit has been a great hit in the media lab.  The snap together parts come with a set of challenges (How can kids move a ball into a target with 2″ high walls from 2 feet away? Build a ramp? A catapult? A trampoline? A zip-line?) for which there are multiple right answers. There are some online hints to help the learning move past frustration to fun!



Build your own computer with this Elenco Snap Circuits XP introduction to microcontrollers.  Write your own programs using Basic commands or flowcharts. Includes over 100 projects and over 50 parts.  (Thank you Carole for the suggestion!)



Did you know Pittsburgh has more bridges than Venice?  Did you know the that one in nine of the nation’s bridges are rated as structurally deficient, while the average age of the nation’s 607,380 bridges is currently 42 years. Engino Structures And Bridges helps inspire future engineers as they experiment with different types of bridges and forces and build 7 working models including a house, a suspension bridge, a cable-stayed bridge, an arch bridge and two different truss bridges.


Spirograph Deluxe Design Set A geometric drawing toy that produces mathematical roulette curves of the variety technically known ashypotrochoids and epitrochoids.  Here is the additional challenge.  After creating your design with Spirograph, go over to Wolfram Alpha and try to create the same shape with equations!



The new LEGO Mindstorms EV3 is a powerful introduction to robotics. Enjoy building and programming movement and responses with some pretty sophisticated sensors. This robotics kit can be used to compete in the FIRST Lego League Challenge.



The Vex IQ Super Kit is an alternative robotics platform and competition to the Mindstorm.  Students as young as 8 can jump right in and snap robots together while parents and teachers have access to a free VEX IQ Curriculum to help teach STEM skills. The VEX IQ Challenge, presented by the Robotics Education & Competition Foundation, gives students affordable access to the inspiration, excitement and learning that comes from participating in a STEM challenge.






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    • Jan on January 27, 2014 at 5:29 pm
    • Reply

    Thanks for the ideas! We have the Elenco snap circuits, but I think my kids would like the bridges and Zoob Challenge. We have done some experiments with bridge ideas inspired by a c-mites class. Fun stuff for the cold weather.

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