Our Endangered Game Fellowship team needs your help. Can you beta test their game and add your comments to improve it? The game requires a printer, scissors, and about an hour in a fun, engaged race to save the endangered animals of Pennsylvania. Download it today to play with kids or grandkids.
Game Design is a $138 billion dollar industry. Does your child have a game design idea and want to work with mentors and a team to bring it to reality? Visit our STEM Leadership Center for ways to get started.
I live in the intersection of mathematics (originally trained as a math teacher), a business owner, a parent, and a theologian exploring what brings meaning to life. My passion is for every child in our world to thrive. I believe the most important resource each child has is you, their parent. May we together Grow a Generation that of innovative, critical thinking collaborators, emotionally intelligent and resilient, with great leadership and vision.
Permanent link to this article: https://growageneration.com/2020/06/21/endangeredbetatest/