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Category: Gifted Education

Musically Gifted: Tools to Help Parent

Do you believe your child is musically gifted? They may –       think in terms of chords or harmony, –       look at numerous lines of music on a page and hear it in their head, –       quickly learn to read and play music, –       show creative improvisational talent, –       enjoy composition, –       live as though they …

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Thinking Fast and Slow and Being a Devil’s Advocate

Daniel Kahneman, the psychologist who won the 2002 Nobel Prize in Economics, wrote what is considered by the NY and LA Times, Economist, and Wall Street Journal, one of the best books of 2011. In Thinking Fast and Slow :  He uses questions to understand the brain, for example: A bat and ball cost a …

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My Child Wants to Design Video Games Part Three: Develop a Portfolio

A unanimous sentiment of our the co-authors is “The biggest, most important piece of advise I can give anyone interested in making games for a living is to start making games now.” A college degree is important, but that degree has to accompanied by a portfolio to the interview question: What games have you worked …

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Is My Child Mathematically Gifted?

There is a field of experts in the area of mathematical abilities. They measure cognitive abilities to solve structured problems and constructive  abilities to creativity problem solve. One person emerges that takes all this wonderful research and makes it available to the parent and the ordinary math teacher (not pursuing a Ph.D.): Dr. Ann Shoplik. …

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Surprising New Resources Rising Up in Gifted Education

A friend, a phenomenal mom who helps provide her family a safe and loving home, who drives her kids from martial arts to sports to scouts to dance to Church, who volunteers alongside them with the handicapped and the poor, recently returned from a parent conference for her daughter. The school apologized they didn’t recognize …

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