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Tag: Math

Middle School Math: Another New Age of Learning is Approaching

We are getting there! Getting to a place where we engage students creatively as they master the crucial STEM concepts needed for today and tomorrow’s world. Walk with me for a few minutes to glimpse three unique approaches to the common core standards with focused and prioritized curriculum. One approach that I have loved using …

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Math IS NOT just Calculating

“Computers have the power to liberate math from calculating, raising its use to new levels—exactly what’s happened outside education,” said Conrad Wolfram. “Mimic this real-world of math, and your education will become more conceptual, more practical, and more motivational.” Mathematical problem solving is 1.Posing the right question 2.Translating a real-world problem into math 3.Computation 4.Translating …

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Scratch Programming and 3rd Grade Common Core

One of my part time hats includes serving as the Baden Academy Media Lab Director.  I have the extreme pleasure of working with a number of very gifted 2nd and 3rd graders and a spectacular teaching staff. The twelve media lab students I see twice a week have just completed a four week unit on …

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Is My Child Mathematically Gifted?

There is a field of experts in the area of mathematical abilities. They measure cognitive abilities to solve structured problems and constructive  abilities to creativity problem solve. One person emerges that takes all this wonderful research and makes it available to the parent and the ordinary math teacher (not pursuing a Ph.D.): Dr. Ann Shoplik. …

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Surprising New Resources Rising Up in Gifted Education

A friend, a phenomenal mom who helps provide her family a safe and loving home, who drives her kids from martial arts to sports to scouts to dance to Church, who volunteers alongside them with the handicapped and the poor, recently returned from a parent conference for her daughter. The school apologized they didn’t recognize …

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