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Ellen Cavanaugh

I live in the intersection of mathematics (originally trained as a math teacher), a business owner, a parent, and a theologian exploring what brings meaning to life. My passion is for every child in our world to thrive. I believe the most important resource each child has is you, their parent. May we together Grow a Generation that of innovative, critical thinking collaborators, emotionally intelligent and resilient, with great leadership and vision.

Most commented posts

  1. Baden Academy Invaded By an Evil Robot! — 48 comments
  2. The Coding Craze: Why I Am Asking Learners to Go Deep into Scratch Programming — 28 comments
  3. Lifting a Teen from the Mud of Self-Absorbed Pity — 12 comments
  4. My Child Wants to Design Video Games Part Two: What type of training or classes should they take? — 6 comments
  5. Science Center claims Moon Landing May Have Been Faked — 6 comments

Author's posts

Superheroes in our midst

 How do you begin to teach leadership skills to third, fourth and fifth graders? Last week was the first Grow a Generation Superhero camp. Campers walked away with practiced knowledge of a confidant pose (and the hormone changes that take place when you pose your body is a ‘power’ pose for only a few minutes); …

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My Child Wrote Code?

I took Grow a Generation to a recent Zumbathon fundraiser for the Yellow Ribbon Girls.  Several kids meandered over to the table while the moms were working out. I invited them to play around with the Scratch programming window that was opened on the computer.  One girl, I think about 10 or 11, became enamored …

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Space Robots, Sequestration, and the Still Contemplation of the Night Sky

I was so excited yesterday to get an email from Astrobotic confirming a student tour during the week of the August 5th Space Robots Camp.  Astrobotic is a CMU spin off company that has been in the news recently. NASA choose the company to develop autonomous robots to search for ice on the moon in …

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Theatrical Robots

The Theatrical Robots camp was a great success!  What an absolute joy to work with these very creative, hilarious kids. The boys helped complete and test the Theatrical Robots curriculum for the Grow a Generation Lab that will be offered next year for homeschool and afterschool labs in the home and in the Media Lab …

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Improv Skills: On the Path to a Life’s Vision

Excerpt from 21st Century Parenting: Grow a Generation Tina Fey, the comedian, actress, writer and producer, describes what she calls the four rules of improvisation. Those rules apply to seeking a vision of your child’s (happy!) self in the future. The first rule of improvisation: AGREE and SAY YES. Challenge them to agree* to every single …

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Games for Change Opening Keynote and Going Beyond the Common Core

Michael Jones, chief technology advocate at Google, gave the opening keynote at the 10th Anniversary Games for Change Festival.  Michael was the chief technologist of Google Maps, Earth, and Local Search and the teams responsible for providing location intelligence and information in global context to users worldwide.  He demonstrated two new technologies coming out of …

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Disruptus: A Game that Leads to Disruptive Thinking

  One of the most important skills our children can develop for this conceptual age is innovation.   Innovation takes place at the intersection of creativity, engineering, and entrepreneurship and delivers to the world new and different ways to live and work and play.  A new game, Disruptus, has entered the market to help teachers and …

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Mozilla Open Badges: A Glimpse into the Future of Education

It has long been established that the amount of education you have is a key predictor of how much you make and how long you live. Recent studies also demonstrate a correlation between a parent’s income and education level and the development of certain areas of their child’s brain that relate to learning, memory and …

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The Fellowship of the Media Lab: The Dawn of Imagination

Friday night hosted the Imagination Celebration, an evening to celebrate all the hard work the incredible 2nd and 3rd graders of the Baden Academy Media Lab accomplished throughout the year. The Media Lab opened its doors this year with a vision from Mr. Stephen Cantanzarite to renovate an old science lab and create a research fellows …

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The Rise of Tech Camps

The Community College catalog arrived with the cover page announcing a “STEM Summer of Discovery.”  It seems like robotics, video game design, electronics prototyping, animation and movie making camps are growing in number and, let’s hope, in quality! The catalog coincided with a chance to sit down with roboticist Marcel Bergerman. Marcel is a Systems …

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