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Category: Blog

Dreams and Hopes for a New Year in the Eighth Continent

Eighteen year old Ben Breedlove died on Christmas Day, leaving behind a touching video on the heart condition that took his life.  This young man, who had struggled since age four with the fear of a young death, used social media to reach out to his friends and make new friends.  Ben created the popular …

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Listen So Carefully You Can Hear Their Dreams

What type of parent involvement helps kids do better in school? The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development recently conducted an investigation into the type of parent involvement experienced by students scoring high on the PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) that is conducted worldwide to 15 year olds (and in which the US ranked …

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“Mom, what does ménage à trios mean?”

I was given the great pleasure of addressing a group of parents recently at Sts. John and Paul in Wexford. We discussed together “Answering the Big Questions: When our Child’s Curiosity Leads Where They’re Not Ready to Go.” One of the parents asked the title question. Evidently, a ten year old, listening to popular music, …

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Leadership, Loss, and Mourning

I had an extraordinary evening with some of the students from Robert Morris University who attended this week’s evening on 21st century leadership.  The conversation began hearing the stories of this phenomenal young people who have stepped up to pursue not only difficult studies (many heading into applied mathematics) but also volunteering on campus for …

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Voting: One Way To Teach Critical Thinking including an interview with Jeremy Angus

Elections, throughout the United States, are next Tuesday, November 8. Last year, 37.8% of voters went through the time and effort to cast a ballot. How many could tell you about the candidates whose names they placed a check beside? It is hard work to get ready to go to the voting booth. To vote …

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Level 3: Motivating Distracted Kids

I’ve heard it called many different things.  110%. Bringing your “A” game. Level 3. Flow. It’s part of leadership.  It means bringing everything you’ve got to the table, putting it all out there for the purpose or cause or group of people who you are with.  It is very altruistic, a moment where you step …

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Leaders as Storytellers

The 21st Century calls upon our children to develop the skill of leadership – that is to abilify the gifts of others and work together to bring about changes that transform the world to be more just and beautiful. Developing the skill of leadership, according to the Grow a Generation resource What Do You Mean …

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How do we use power?

Did you watch We Day?  20,000 teens cheering and celebrating the way they choose to use their power to make changes for the good.  One of the consistent messages of Craig Kielburger and Free the Children is that 1) young people have power, whether purchasing power, or persuasive power, or time and talent and 2) …

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Leadership: Can Girls Rise to the Challenge?

     I pulled out all my favorite books on leadership in the process of co-authoring the new What Do You Mean I’m in Charge? Leadership Skills for Teens. Setting a good example, I checked over the last ten years of best sellers and the books being ordered by professors in graduate schools of leadership. It wasn’t …

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Not Merely Future Leaders, But Leaders Today

     May droplets of sunshine mix with dappled shadows of autumn leaves to blanket the path you walk today.      At twelve years old, my daughter attended a Leadership Conference in Toronto, Canada. She stayed a week with hundreds of children as young as nine and as old as twenty from around the world. Each …

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