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Ellen Cavanaugh

I live in the intersection of mathematics (originally trained as a math teacher), a business owner, a parent, and a theologian exploring what brings meaning to life. My passion is for every child in our world to thrive. I believe the most important resource each child has is you, their parent. May we together Grow a Generation that of innovative, critical thinking collaborators, emotionally intelligent and resilient, with great leadership and vision.

Most commented posts

  1. Baden Academy Invaded By an Evil Robot! — 48 comments
  2. The Coding Craze: Why I Am Asking Learners to Go Deep into Scratch Programming — 28 comments
  3. Lifting a Teen from the Mud of Self-Absorbed Pity — 12 comments
  4. My Child Wants to Design Video Games Part Two: What type of training or classes should they take? — 6 comments
  5. Science Center claims Moon Landing May Have Been Faked — 6 comments

Author's posts

Preparing Daughters for Financial Predators

My daughter joked growing up that I was over preparing her to handle finances. She had a checking and investment accounts as a teen, access to credit cards, learned to write checks and budget purchases before she left for college. She was skilled at negotiation, confident enough to walk away from a deal and knew …

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Google and Wikipedia in the Classroom

What does a room full of 4th graders using Wikipedia have in common with a room full of college students in a classroom shouting out conflicting information from their e-devices? I am working with fourth graders at Baden Academy as we develop together a year-long new curriculum that integrates their science curriculum, but also seeps …

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The Radix Endeavor: A Video Game Being Used for High School STEM subjects

I spend a few hours this morning playing The Radix Endeavor, a game designed to help high school teachers lead and assess their students in the content areas of biology, algebra, geometry and statistics. It is in beta testing by MIT Education Arcade (funded by the Gates Foundation in collaboration with Filament Games).  It is …

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Creating Projects with Real World Impact: Becoming a Resource to the World

Given the choice of a completing an assignment to make a real world impact or writing an assignment that will be thrown away, what would you choose?  Students in my Global and Cultural Perspective’s class are struggling with this question as reach into the into the vast stores of recent academic research at Duquesne’s extensive …

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3rd Grader Writes Book to Help Save Dolphins

Isabella Kelm loves dolphins.  When asked what she wanted to do as a research fellow project at the Baden Academy media lab, she immediately thought of dolphins! She wanted to write a book about dolphins, and mermaids, and Sparkle Lakes. She was partnered with a mentor, Cheryl Bonnes. Cheryl is a Marine Mammal Specialist at …

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Syria – A Teachable Moment in Critical Thinking, Digital Tools, and a Hermeneutic of Suspicion

A Facebook post grabbed my attention last week.  It was an August 29 letter from Trappist nuns in Syria to President Obama. But was it real?  I used the opportunity to model for my Global and Cultural Perspectives class efforts to authenticate sources. The letter claimed to be from Trappists nuns living in Syria. Trappists …

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What is a MOOC? (and where do I sign up!)

In a word, a MOOC is a free online class you can take at a University.  According to the Washington Post, it is the latest buzzword coming out of higher education.   MOOC is an acronym for “Massive Open Online Course.” It is an online class that anyone (at least anyone with access to the internet) …

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Science Center claims Moon Landing May Have Been Faked

“Going to the Moon may have been a hoax.” These were the opening lines in the Montréal Science Centre’s iDTV Newsroom space exploration activity.  I visited the Centre last week while in Montréal, terribly excited and open to experience another phenomenal invitation to the public to get excited about science and technology.  We bought our …

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What is the Maker Movement?

A subculture of Do-it-Yourself (DIY) kids and grownup kids is emerging across the nation and the globe that is exciting!  Makers pursue engineer-oriented projects such as electronic prototyping, robotics, 3-D printing, often combined with traditional arts and crafts, metalworking, and woodworking. Innovation is celebrated! I suggest you watch a few of Sylvia’s Mini-Maker Show on …

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Build, Then Build Some More!

   “Build, then build some more,” was the advice John Thornton, the president of Astrobotic gave the students touring his facility Friday as part of the Grow a Generation Space Robots Exploration Day.  It was a hopeful message, encouraging students to develop the skills they need to enter a new era of space exploration, science, …

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