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“I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn.” Anne Frank These resources on journaling are free for you to use with students, with kids, or even for yourself. I created them at the beginning of our stay at home orders, but hear from my students that more and more …
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Part of our shared reality during this pandemic lockdown is the grief of canceled events and plans. Students from the STEM Leadership Center and Baden Academy had worked months to prepare for the Pittsburgh Science and Engineering Fair and came to realize just weeks away from that it would be canceled. Two of the teams …
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Please let us know if we can help you on your journey to learn more about 3D Design. Apply today to be a Fellow at our STEM Leadership Center.
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Throughout human history, people have tried to get a moment to retreat from the busyness of everyday life. And then we have times when we are forced to retreat. As someone who has experienced both, may I please offer you a popcorn thought… MAKE IT MEMORABLE! Binging TV, spending hours gaming, even escaping into fun …
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You are invited! Please spend a little time this President’s Day stopping by the Vicary House in Freedom, PA and helping celebrate the book release of George Washington at Logstown. Student authors and I were at the Beaver Book Fest two years ago when we met Brenda Applegate, the director at the Beaver County Historical …
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Have you ever wondered what jobs are waiting for you along the Ohio River? Underwater welder? Barge traffic controller? Water Authority Chemist? Army Corps of Engineers? Come learn what opportunities you can strive to fill. Free to area teachers. Limited to 15 Students Cost includes lunch and bus $55 ($45 before Feb 5) Sign Up …
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The three largest industries in our region are healthcare, advanced manufacturing and energy. A number of our fellowships deal with energy and I have spent the last year reading as many resources as I could get my hands on. The issues are complex, we have much to consider as we make the transition, but the …
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“Choose a threat to your city’s water supply and design a resilient system to maintain a reliable supply of clean drinking water.” That is the challenge of this year’s Future City Competition. While Future City is focused on a hypothetical scenario in planning for a city 50 years in the future, we have fellowships working …
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On Thursday, October 10, three 6th grade girls traveled to the Crown Plaza Suites to attend the NAPO (National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals) Pittsburgh’s 3rd Annual Organizing Seminar“Release & Renew” Organizing Tips and Tricks from the Pros. Sofia, Hamari, and Destiney were able to present some of their research and the resource posters they …
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We are honored and thrilled to again lead an amazing group of research fellows at the Baden Academy Charter school. This program is available to students who apply, with references, and spend their enrichment/intervention periods in the media lab working collaboratively with academics and professionals around the globe.
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