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Ellen Cavanaugh

I live in the intersection of mathematics (originally trained as a math teacher), a business owner, a parent, and a theologian exploring what brings meaning to life. My passion is for every child in our world to thrive. I believe the most important resource each child has is you, their parent. May we together Grow a Generation that of innovative, critical thinking collaborators, emotionally intelligent and resilient, with great leadership and vision.

Most commented posts

  1. Baden Academy Invaded By an Evil Robot! — 48 comments
  2. The Coding Craze: Why I Am Asking Learners to Go Deep into Scratch Programming — 28 comments
  3. Lifting a Teen from the Mud of Self-Absorbed Pity — 12 comments
  4. My Child Wants to Design Video Games Part Two: What type of training or classes should they take? — 6 comments
  5. Science Center claims Moon Landing May Have Been Faked — 6 comments

Author's posts

The Zoob Challenge Kit

Infinitoy generously donated a Zoob Challenge Kit to the Baden Academy Media Lab. It’s wonderful! I can confidently say it is now the go to item whenever kids have a few unassigned moments in the lab.  Lunch time and lab time will find two or three kids working together on one of the Zoob challenges.  I …

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Gift Cards and Returns: Ideas for Grow a Generation Parents

Empty boxes and broken electronics that kids can take apart head my list of fun for the holiday break.  But if you have gift cards and returns, I suggest some of the following great toys that stimulate creativity and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) innovation.  The Zoob Challenge Kit has been a great hit …

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Wisdom from People We Will Miss This Holiday Season

The Gifts of Goodness and Forgiveness If there are dreams about a beautiful [world], there are also roads that lead to their goal. Two of these roads could be named Goodness and Forgiveness. Nelson Mandala The Gift of Outrageousness I will not be a common man. I will stir the smooth sands of monotony. Peter …

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Celebrating An Hour of Code

“Every other school family in the U.S. has a child that has done the Hour of Code.” – Did your child spend time this week learning to write computer code?  I’ve had some fun playing with a variety of students.  The Virtual Worlds 4th grade classrooms at Baden Academy began programming their ecosystems and …

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Blood Brother and Mylan’s Work to End the AIDS Epidemic

Innovation, resilience, gut-wrenching sorrow, and surprising splashes of color and laughter carried me away last night as I sat the Regent Square Theater and watched Blood Brother.  The documentary followed the journey of a young man from Pittsburgh who, in the course of a walkabout through India, fell into the arms of the children in …

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Math IS NOT just Calculating

“Computers have the power to liberate math from calculating, raising its use to new levels—exactly what’s happened outside education,” said Conrad Wolfram. “Mimic this real-world of math, and your education will become more conceptual, more practical, and more motivational.” Mathematical problem solving is 1.Posing the right question 2.Translating a real-world problem into math 3.Computation 4.Translating …

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Visualizing Math: Free Demonstrations on Wolfram Demonstrations Project

A New Kind of Yin Yang Rotation from the Wolfram Demonstrations Project by Frederick Wu Mathematics, like the air we breathe, is part of every subject we study, image we gaze on, and sound we hear.  To hear someone say they don’t have the math gene, strikes me with the same sadness as to hear …

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Getting Ready for Code Week

Grace Murray Hopper’s birthday, December 9, marks the beginning of the Computer Science Education Week and the Hour of Code.  Amazing Grace, born in 1906, was a computer scientist and a US Navy Rear Admiral. She was a pioneer programmer, the first to coin the word “debug” when she pulled a moth from the computer …

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Distracted: How Mindfulness and Meditation Transformed a College Classroom

“I was able to feel relaxation, tranquility, focus.” – Dan Suriano “It helps get my thoughts and feelings in order,” – K.J. Miller “The mandalas brought us together and cleared our minds” – anonymous “I enjoyed it so much, I couldn’t stop [when the assignment was over.]” – Ventura Simmons “helped me calm down at …

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Risk Taking: Finished Product or Fluid Open Collaboration?

We are in a time of mass collaboration, a time when there is no longer a comprehensive textbook a marine biologist professor can offer to their students. WoRMS,  the World Register of Marine Species, is an online database in which marine research is immediately updatable. Global partnerships in research can be made quickly. The information …

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