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Ellen Cavanaugh

I live in the intersection of mathematics (originally trained as a math teacher), a business owner, a parent, and a theologian exploring what brings meaning to life. My passion is for every child in our world to thrive. I believe the most important resource each child has is you, their parent. May we together Grow a Generation that of innovative, critical thinking collaborators, emotionally intelligent and resilient, with great leadership and vision.

Most commented posts

  1. Baden Academy Invaded By an Evil Robot! — 48 comments
  2. The Coding Craze: Why I Am Asking Learners to Go Deep into Scratch Programming — 28 comments
  3. Lifting a Teen from the Mud of Self-Absorbed Pity — 12 comments
  4. My Child Wants to Design Video Games Part Two: What type of training or classes should they take? — 6 comments
  5. Science Center claims Moon Landing May Have Been Faked — 6 comments

Author's posts

Inspiring Hope

I was at the Harvest Festival this weekend supporting many of our Fellows. One quiet moment allowed me to share some news with Alyssa Westrom, there to promote the book she co-authored “Engineering Wings to the Sun.” Alyssa, now in 7th grade at Lincoln Park, had received a letter addressed to our school to her …

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Passionate About Bridges

Charlie and Mohammed were some of the first Fellows in our STEM Leadership Center. While Mohammed stepped back for a while, Charlie has moved ahead on his explorations of cutting edge technology fixing the problem in the world he most wants to solve. Check out his latest video! If you know of any other area …

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Come to the Beaver BookFest Sat. Sept. 7!

Come meet some of the authors from Baden Academy at the Beaver County BookFest 2019 taking place Saturday, September 7th from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., in the charming and historic town of Beaver, PA.

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Robot Kittens, Computer Vision, and Chance Encounters

This is a picture of one of our research fellows, Eugene Haley, using computer vision to control the movements of a robotic kitten. The story of how we got here is amazing! One of the fellowships at the STEM Leadership Center started with Elise Propst, a long time amazing student with a love of four-legged …

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3 Reasons I Love Games For Change!

Ten days ago I received a wonderful surprise in my inbox. Games For Change wrote “Thank you so much for participating in the Games for Change Student Challenge last year. As a token of our appreciation, we would like to offer you a free ticket to Play NYC next weekend, hosted by Playcrafting. ” This extraordinary organization empowers game …

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2 Exciting High Points from the Rockies

I just returned from a week in the Rocky Mountain National Park and wanted to share with you my two highpoints!  The first involves a moment on little more than a goat path at 10,000 feet with an approaching tornado.  The second was just as exciting!  I got to meet one of the returning High …

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A New Literacy: The Language of Computers

The skill of coding is not just about a career in programming, it is a necessary literacy for our future. I am so impressed that the YMCA is taking a lead in Beaver County to make coding education a priority! Friday was our last YMCA Summer Camp coding field trip. For our final day, we …

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Meaningful Projects in 3D Printing

Two young girls stepped up three years ago when they were in 4th grade to lead the Baden Academy Future Engineers club. They were joined by two more this year to lead over 20 kids in meaningful 3-D printed projects. Wow! They have created an amazing legacy. Check out their video and get their book …

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Learning Leadership with a Chess Club

I received an email earlier this year from one of the first Baden Academy Research Fellows. She is attending a great high school in another state and went to show off the great work she had done starting a chess club at Baden Academy. Oh no! Her information from the chess club site was gone! …

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Build, Solder, and Program an LED Cube

Mon-Tue-Wed July 15-17 from 9 am to 3 pm at the STEM Leadership Center @ Baden Academy Participants will be introduced to electronics and the Arduino microcircuit board, learn how to solder, and begin to program light patterns with Java. They will take home their Cubes and Arduinos. They need to bring their own soldering …

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